German Life Sciences Association
"VBIO - Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland" comprises about 5.300 individual members, more than 30.000 members of 35 life science organizations and 80 companies and institutions. Thus, VBIO unites members involved in Bio and Life Sciences in schools, universities, industry, administration, research institutions or as a free-lancer. Members of VBIO represent the whole spectrum of Life Sciences from the molecular and the cellular, the organism to the ecological level as well as biomedicine.
VBIO contributes to enhance the perspectives of Life Sciences as well as those of Life Scientists. It supports the next generation of biologists in high schools and universities, providing information about exciting career paths, raising the interest to study biology and communicate the excitements of life sciences. VBIO has committed itself completely to solidify the status of biology within the curricula.
VBIO supports the social and economical acceptance and recognition of bio and life scientists and acts as contact organization to governmental institutions, providing expertise and advice.
VBIO offers the central information platform for bio-based science, business and education in Germany ( It publishes the study guide for Germany “Studienführer Biologie-Biochemie-Biotechnologie-Bioinformatik” as well as a job information guide “Perspektiven“. Furthermore, VBIO arranges events for students, academia and companies within the widespread bioscientific community. The topics range from public understanding of science to job market for academics. With over 8.000 links the database provides almost all bio-companies in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and other Central Europe countries.
VBIO cooperates with jobvector, the leading internet-based lifescience career-center in Central Europe (, which is free of charge for academic institutions after registration.