Referencias a evaluaciones previas
Año | Cliente / Programa | Título | Tipo de Evaluación (Tipo 1: según ESG, Tipo 2: a medida) |
2015 | Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS), Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) | Evaluation oft he respective quality assurance systems | Type 1 |
2016 | Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS), Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) | Evaluation of study programmes in engineering | Type 1 |
2017/18 | German Academic Exchange Service | Evaluation BIDS-Programme, supporting graduates of German schools abroad at German HEIs | Type 2 |
2017/18 | German Academic Exchange Service | Evaluation "Promoting DaF-Study Programmes to support German HEIs abroad" | Type 2 |
2018 | Colleges of Excellence Initiative, Saudi Arabia | Evaluation of the Applied Engineering Colleges, Riad | Type 1 |
2018 | Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft (JRF) | Evaluation of three research centres of the JRF | Type 1 |