Our Services
ASIIN offers a wide range of services for universities and other education providers for levels 5-8 of the German/European Qualifications Framework:
Programme Accreditation
Programme accreditations for study programs in all engineering and natural sciences, computer science and economics, medicine and architecture. In addition to the German ASIIN quality seal, customers can optionally apply for a total of 5 different established subject-specific European quality seals.
Institutional Accreditation
Institutional accreditations according to the ASIIN maturity model. The cooperation of ASIIN with TÜV (Technical Inspection Association) also enables our customers to combine this with ISO certification.
Certification of all forms of higher education programmes that do not lead to a formal university degree (modules, certificate courses, etc.). The ASIIN assessors also classify the respective qualification level of the education program.
Evaluation procedures for study programs and institutions, also with the option of adding on a shortened accreditation procedure afterwards.
Agency Review
As a qualified "coordinator", ASIIN offers other accreditation agencies "expert reviews" based on the ESG according to the specifications of EQAR. These reviews are the basis for an EQAR registration.
Workshops & Trainings
A wide range of workshops & trainings to prepare for assessment procedures and a variety of topics in higher education.
Consulting Services
A wide range of consulting services for further development of quality management systems at universities in the areas of learning and teaching, research and administration, and curriculum development on the basis of international professional standards.
National and international events such as the traditional international ASIIN annual conference, workshops and conferences
All the above mentioned offers can be flexibly combined with each other in accordance with the wishes of our customers. The above-mentioned offers are carried out by approximately 1000 proven (inter)national experts from universities and industry, supported by the competent staff of the ASIIN office.
Further information on the above-mentioned services can be found on the following pages or by contacting one of our employees directly.