New Chairmen of the ASIIN Board of Directors
At its first meeting on 26 February 2024, the new Board, which has been in office since the beginning of the year, elected Prof. Dr Klaus Kreulich as Chair and Prof. Dr Christian Andreas Schumann as Vice Chair.
The new Chairmen succeed Prof Dr Felix Huber (University of Wuppertal) and Mr. Dipl.-oec., Dipl.-Jurist Matthias Toepfer (Unternehmer Baden-Württemberg) after their regular retirement.
Professor Kreulich has been Professor of Printing and Media Prepress Technology at Munich University of Applied Sciences since 2003 and Vice President for Teaching there since 2014. At ASIIN, Professor Kreulich represents the Coordination Group of Universities of Applied Sciences at the German Rectors' Conference.
Professor Schumann was appointed Professor of Information Systems at the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau in 1994 and has been Director of the Institute for Management and Information there since 2010. Professor Schumann was delegated to the ASIIN board by the Association of German Engineers (VDI).