Framework Collaboration Agreement with the Union of Chinese Application-Oriented Universities on International Cooperation (CUIC)

On January 11, 2024, a Framework Collaboration Agreement between the Union of Chinese-Application-Oriented Universities on International Cooperation (CUIC) and ASIIN has been signed, aiming at improving the Chinese higher education sector (HES).

Before the background of 50 years of Chinese-German relation and united in their quest to facilitate and promote academic and professional mobility between their countries, CUIC and ASIIN will join hands to strengthen the ties between the Chinese HES and its German and European counterparts, design and implement an accreditation scheme for the Chinese HES with modern, internationally recognized procedures and criteria, jointly host respective workshops and trainings and finally conduct a number of pilot evaluation to test the suitability of these procedures and criteria.

These activities shall serve the purpose of improving the quality of Chinese higher education and providing better information on the quality of revised programmes and institutions to different national and international stakeholders as well as promoting the international dimension of quality assurance activities and fostering international network of the Chinese HES.

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