Accreditation Commission Elects New Chair and New Presidium

At its last meeting, the ASIIN Accreditation Commission bid farewell to its long-standing Chair, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katrin Lehmann (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg). Prof. Lehmann had been a member of the Accreditation Commission since 2018 and one of the two chairs since 2019. The Board, the members, the Accreditation Commission and the ASIIN office would like to thank Prof. Lehmann for her services to promoting the quality of study programmes in Germany and worldwide.
Prof. Lehmann handed over the baton in the form of the ASIIN bell to Dr Mathis Wollny, Director Process Development Pigments at Merck KGaA, who will take over as Chair of the Accreditation Commission from 1 April 2024. Dr. Wollny has been a member of the Accreditation Commission since 2023 and previously sat on ASIIN's Technical Committee 01 (Mechanical Engineering / Process Engineering) for six years.
The Presidium of the Accreditation Commission was also supplemented by new members and now consists of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gert-Ludwig Ingold (University of Augsburg), Dr. Mathis Wollny (Merck KGaA), Prof. Dr Robert Hänsch (Technical University of Braunschweig), Prof. Dr Uta Bergstedt (Hochschule Niederrhein), Prof. Dr Rainer Oechsle (Trier University of Applied Sciences) and Florens Förster (student at RWTH Aachen University).