Accreditation Commission deals with 39 applications for programme and system accreditation

The ASIIN Accreditation Commission met online on 27/28 March for its quarterly meeting.

Chaired by Prof. Dr. Gert-Ludwig Ingold (University of Augsburg) and Dr.-Ing. Mathis Wollny (Merck KGaA), the Accreditation Commission dealt with 38 applications for programme accreditation and one application for institutional accreditation.

A total of 120 study programmes were dealt with in the programme accreditation, bundled in the 38 programme procedures. A recommendation was made for the study programmes that applied for the seal of the Accreditation Council; accreditation decisions were made for the award of the ASIIN seal.

The Accreditation Commission welcomed five new members at this meeting:

  • Prof. Dr Ralf Elbert, Technical University of Darmstadt
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lutz Beckmann, Jade University of Applied Sciences
  • Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Bonnen, independent architect
  • Mag. vet. med. Christian Gruber, independent consultant (veterinary medicine, quality management)
  • Dr rer. nat. Hartmut Presting, Daimler AG

The Accreditation Commission of ASIIN e. V. is the decision-making body for all questions relating to accreditation. The commission is made up of representatives from universities, universities of applied sciences, professional practice and the student body.

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