Procedure & Tools: How do we evaluate?
Procedure for evaluations for quality assurance and quality improvement of studies and teaching according to ESG (Type 1)
The procedure for these evaluations is standardized and is based on the typical procedural steps and elements that are also used for the accreditation or certification of educational offerings or quality management at educational institutions.
Typically, these procedures include the following steps:
- Contract clarification: Definition of the evaluation object and selection of external quality criteria as evaluation standard
- Investigation:
- Internal self-assessment and preparation of a self-assessment report
- External evaluation by external experts including relevant stakeholders in studies and teaching
- Reporting: Documentation of the examination and evaluation results based on the external quality criteria
- Follow-Up: Handing over of the evaluation report to the client and publication
Type 1 evaluations take into account the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). In this respect, individual procedural elements are specified such as
- the direct or indirect use of ESG as part of the evaluation criteria;
- the involvement of relevant stakeholders in a team of experts (including students, teachers, professional practice);
- the publication of the evaluation reports.
Procedure for evaluations of quality and organizational development (Type 2)
For this type of evaluation, the freedom to choose the procedural elements that are suitable for the goal and purpose of the evaluation applies.
The following procedure is typical for this type of evaluation:
- Mission Statement: Determination of the object of evaluation, process design with participation, examination grid (evaluation criteria, key questions, indicators and typical evidence, if applicable)
- Investigation:
- Self-assessment internally at the client
- External evaluation by external experts
- Reporting: Documentation of the examination procedures and evaluation results based on the examination grid
- Follow-Up: Derivation of follow-up measures internally by the client or with external support
Used Tools and Procedure Support
The "toolbox" of combinable procedural elements for Type 2 evaluations includes:
- Workshops usable in all phases: Clarification of the assignment with development of the assessment grid, assessment with all evaluation procedures, reporting and follow-up
- Audits in the assessment phase by internal and/or external experts (as desktop review, remote review or presence audit at the client's premises) on the basis of a desktop review
- Supplementary investigations e.g. surveys, document analyses in the investigation phase
- Documentation and visualization in all phases
Our project managers combine these procedural elements in a meaningful way and support you conceptually and organizationally in all phases of the evaluation.