Agency Review for EQAR Registration

The Standards and Guidelines of Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) provide the basis for quality assurance of study programmes and quality management systems of higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area. With the ESG, the European Ministers of Education have created the basis for a transnational understanding of quality in higher education, the implementation of which is the responsibility of the quality assurance agencies operating in the EHEA.

If this to be successful and hence quality assessments are to be comparable and transparent across countries, quality assurance agencies must meet the requirements of the ESG institutionally, structurally and operationally. Compliance with the ESG by agencies operating in the EHEA is monitored by the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR). The EQAR is – a European institution using a regular mechanism to check whether applicant agencies meet the requirements for admission to the register. The purpose of this procedure, the agency review, is to ensure consistent principles and practices of quality assurance in Higher Education across countries at both programme and institutional levels.

Thus, quality assurance agencies operating in the EHEA are subject to a ”expert review” on the basis of the ESG. The review has to be carried out in accordance with the EQAR guidelines as set out in the respective “Procedures for Applications“. The organisation and implementation lies with the responsibility of a qualified “coordinator” such as ASIIN, which fulfils the relevant requirements in accordance with the EQAR guidelines and, in particular, the relevant EQAR policy paper.

ASIIN is your partner of choice to carry out your review.

Procedure and duration

The process from application to the Register Committee’s decision on inclusion in the Register is described in detail on the EQAR website.

The duration of the procedure is approximately 12 to 18 months if the procedure is rigorous and the deadlines are strictly adhered to by the parties involved. A timetable of the main steps in the process is also available on the EQAR website.

Once the review report has been agreed between the coordinator, the expert panel and the applicant agency, the EQAR Register Committee decides on the application. The full accreditation/registration period – after any deficiencies have been remedied – is five years.


The application for EQAR registration can be submitted on the EQAR website. We will be happy to assist you with your application.